Welcome to the Kiditt Resources Page!
This space is dedicated to connecting you with a curated selection of interesting and informative materials that reflect our commitment to animal welfare, sustainability, and community engagement. Here, you’ll find articles, videos, and tools that inspire and educate about pet care, environmental conservation, and innovative practices in the pet industry.
We believe that sharing knowledge is essential for fostering a community of informed pet owners and advocates. We invite you to explore the resources we’ve gathered and discover insights that can enhance your journey with your furry friends.
If you come across any links or resources that you find particularly helpful, we’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to send us your recommendations, and together, we can build a comprehensive library of valuable information that benefits everyone. Thank you for being part of our community, and we look forward to learning and growing together!
Ted Talks
Dogs as an Everyday Therapy | Anna Fetter | TEDxYouth@AnnArbor
Animal Welfare and the Future of Zoos | Ron Kagan | TEDxOaklandUniversity
Animal Welfare | Merry Ferdinandez Wain | TEDxBinusUniversity
Building a Humane Community | Nadia Novik | TEDxSunValley
What Will Future Generations Think of Our Treatment of Animals? | Paul Shapiro | TEDxMidAtlantic
Saving Marine Mammals in Distress: Animal Health & Welfare | Dr Martin Haulena | TEDxCityUHongKong
Animals can teach us how to be happier: by being adaptable optimists | Isabella Clegg | TEDxLimassol
Kiditt is your go-to destination for all your pet's natural and organic needs. Join us in creating a healthier, happier life for your pet, because when we take care of them, we take care of ourselves. Experience the Kiditt difference today and see why we are the ultimate choice for a healthy pet lifestyle.